The content of my old server has been migrated to a new server. The 2 server spec comparison is listed below:
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Recent plans
It’s been a while that I haven’t written anything down in my blog. I like the current working lifestyle compare to the upcoming difficult academic semester. I’d love share a bit of personal life with you.
Spam Protection
I have encounter a spam attach on my Chinese MediaWiki Project for Acadia University. The spammer is using a Brazilian IP creating a lot of patterened names and its same-name random articles.
Configuration on PS1 files in Vim
Thank you Lixar for my first ever Co-op placement. Although there are many colleagues like me, love to use Linux/Unix as our main OS, work must be done as what we are expected. Because they choose Azure cloud initially, I have to do development work under Windows.
It doesn’t bother me too much, I still have my Linux as a guest VM on the second screen for transition. Now I need to study some PowerShell scripting.
Vim doesn’t support ps1 files for highlighting. So there is a plugin for that. (Check out its github page for installation)
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Batch renaming using `rename`
It is an interesting tool and simple to use. It happens to me that I have a bunch of subtitles under the name pattern of and I wish to rename it to in order to load automatically for my smplayer.
MediaWiki behind CloudFlare
When you set up with CloudFlare with MediaWiki, the IP won’t be showing correctly. Here is the how-to derived from CloudFlare’s official MediaWiki FAQ. The official document is old and doesn’t work for the latest version of MediaWiki.
zsh trapd00r theme fix
Calling it a fix is actually inappropriate, the document has already given us clues. When I am configuring my Z shell today by replacing grml-zsh with oh-my-zsh find a few errors when applying theme trapd00r.
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ASCII Quarium
Make the console a fun place while idle! This is a perl script made by RoboBunny.
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Email Notifier
In the western world, email is a formal way of communication. It’s still widely used in a lot of fields. University usually send me on average 3 emails per day in weekdays, some days are considerably more.
I don’t like keeping email clients open, it consumes my workspace and technically more memory space. I’d love to take a desktop widget that tells me “you have a new mail”.
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Some rules on website security
The following configs are obtained from iThemes Security, a WordPress plugin. I believe this is a suitable configuration for nearly all websites.