Make a secret copy of sent email in Postfix

I have a business need. I need to send automatically generated email from a specific business address to my customers. Postfix does not help you to save it to “Sent” mailbox. Although I have mail logs telling me that emails have been sent to the correct email addresses but I really don’t know what is …

Email Notifier

In the western world, email is a formal way of communication. It’s still widely used in a lot of fields. University usually send me on average 3 emails per day in weekdays, some days are considerably more. I don’t like keeping email clients open, it consumes my workspace and technically more memory space. I’d love …

Using Mutt as Email client

I’ve always fascinated with my professor Jim Diamond’s email client, and how it interacts with his zsh. Start from today, I am going to change my main email client from Thunderbird to Mutt too. Here is a small piece of snippet that I put into my ~/.mutt configuration. You may follow my steps and copy …