A lot of subtitles in Chinese language are encoded with GB2312 or sometimes Code Page 936 (CP936, aka gbk), are generated under Windows. This brings problems in many Linux based multimedia players.
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Applying man with colour under zsh
After installing zshell and applying the zshrc from grml system-wide, my man page doesn’t want to be colourful. The configuration is caused by a environmental variable GROFF_NO_SGR, when it’s set to 1, man page will be able to paint with colour.
Here is my personal .zshrc:
# Vim key binding bindkey -v # The important part. export GROFF_NO_SGR=1 # PATH to current directory export PATH=$PATH:.
Access Control List on Linux filesystem
The Access Control List (ACL) provides an extended set of permissions on files and directories, there are 2 commands available to use: setfacl, getfacl.
Consult man page for complete manual.
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Join PDFs together using LaTeX
There is a package called pdfpages, its usage can be found here.
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PPTPd Notes
I have encounter 1 particular problem in setting up VPN using PPTP, the log file shows:
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Small Makefile script for making daily course notes on LaTeX
I have a habit of making daily course notes using (Probably not the most suitable way for you readers). By using this Makefile script I can automatically generate date based
file, and avoiding overriding the current date notes.
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Vim configuration
This is my VIM configuration, I’d like to make a note here and remember what I did if I ever encounter a system re-install.
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Adjust WordPress Twenty Fourteen Skin Fitting FullHD Screens
WordPress 3.8 has a nice look, it also brings a new skin called Twenty Fourteen. (It does look a bit like its back-end managing portal.) Under 1920x1080p or higher resolution, this theme is not optimized, it occupies half left of the screen and some of half right screen, and it look just weird and wasted. Here are a few changes I made for the CSS stylesheet to make it work:
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Installing Bumblebee on Fedora for Lenovo Y510P
Previously I wrote down the article Installing Fedora on Lenovo Y510P, today I am going to write down my steps on installing bumblebee and using intel driver by default.
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Prefix expression conversion to Postfix and Infix
There has been a question related with prefix to infix/postfix expression on the latest assignment in C. I managed to solve this puzzle, the whole assignment is here and you can take a peek at (Question 2).
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