There has been a question related with prefix to infix/postfix expression on the latest assignment in C. I managed to solve this puzzle, the whole assignment is here and you can take a peek at (Question 2).
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A few system monitoring tools under Linux
Under Linux, you can use ldd to find out an executable’s library dependency, you can use top to find out the current processes and their relevant information. In this article, some third party software will be introduced for easier management under terminal session.
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FTP Downloading under wine
FTPRush is a powerful FTP transfer tool under Windows. It can also run under wine in Linux.
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OpenSSL 1.0.1e RPM for CentOS 6
The SRPM is from And this is a x86_64 arch build by myself. Please enjoy.
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Installing Fedora on Lenovo Y510p
I bought a brand new Lenovo Y510p 2 months back, and it arrived 2 days ago (what a speed!). Yesterday evening I finally got a chance to install Linux onto my baby. I have to say that wasn’t an easy job. Here are the steps that I did last night.
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Some useful LaTeX tips
This is for my own reminder, and if you like them, take and modify them as you wish.
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ghost (blog publishing) at a glance
Recently a new blog publishing service called ghost burst out in its existance for public testing, I am very curious of this new competitor of WordPress so I installed it and made a few tests.
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C Preprocessor check before compilation
In C, the #define token is widely used as a macro and maybe others. When we write a program with complex #define and such, maybe incorrectly used on top of another, how can we see if they are really correct?
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Online learning in Chinese – XuetangX
China announces edX platform to power its new online learning portal XuetangX. This online is especially useful for Chinese students who wish to get some supplementary knowledge on academic courses. For English speaking learners, this website provides English translation subtitles in their course video (maybe not all). Beside the subtitles, the professors use English during their presentation.
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Permalink fixed
I got complains from my cute classmate Vince saying that my blog’s article links were so ugly (the default wordpress permalink). So I fixed it.
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