This is the follow-up article for “Merging Chef JSONs into 1 template“. We are now able to merge environments and role files into 1 master template to manage, how are we gonna extract an environment or a role out of that template.
Continue reading “Extract specific Chef environment from a master template”
Merging Chef JSONs into 1 template
Recently I am playing with Chef and I am having fun on some software with a little difference across different VMs. For example, on VM1:
at log.xml:
... verbosity=INFO ...
On VM2 it is set to ERROR
, VM3 is set to DEBUG
, etc.
Continue reading “Merging Chef JSONs into 1 template”
Solve zsh cursor positioned at the beginning in zsh history lookup using arrow key for Ubuntu
Zsh under Ubuntu has a strange behaviour. When you have typed some commands and use up arrow key to look back, the cursor is always at the beginning of the line. This can be solved very easily.
Continue reading “Solve zsh cursor positioned at the beginning in zsh history lookup using arrow key for Ubuntu”
Enable Memcached on Remi based PHP install for WordPress
The php stack I am using for blogs and other hosted php websites is from Remi. I am on PHP version 5.6. The memcached plugin was enabled and I never checked its status. I only found out that the memcached is not enabled at all on my websites.
OK I figured this will be a simple task. It is. There are a few things that you need to be cautious about if you are using Remi as php base. The modules will not be loaded magically.
Continue reading “Enable Memcached on Remi based PHP install for WordPress”
Install missing LaTeX styles and definitions
When I was compiling my report, some files are missing:
! Package fontenc Error: Encoding file `eu1enc.def' not found.
An interesting installation of relatex packages is, you can install the missing files by providing this command:
Continue reading “Install missing LaTeX styles and definitions”
File Not Found error in USB Minimal Fedora setup
I created an EFI Live USB stick for the minimal ISO of Fedora 22. When I boot from it, grub said
error: file '/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz' not found error: you need to load the kernel first
Continue reading “File Not Found error in USB Minimal Fedora setup”
Personal Deployment Scripts
I want to share with you my personal deployment scripts for some software I use frequently on servers. Currently there are only a few but eventually I will add them and perfect them with more content.
Modify GitLab Branding
If you want to remove the branding, you could try to edit the following yaml/rb file, but you need to be cautious about the space as yaml is very sensitive to spacing (no tabs allowed). Also, when you do an upgrade on GitLab, those changes will be lost. Be sure to back up the files before you change anything.
Continue reading “Modify GitLab Branding”
Proxy all traffic of a program with ProxyChains
EastLink sucks. Somehow in the evenings, they manage to lower the speed of my connection from home to my server at OVH Canada BHS centre. I’ve complained before but this issue is not going to be resolve anytime soon. Since my residence does not support another ISP (BellAliant, namely), I have to stick to EastLink for now. Strangely EastLink connects to other places relatively well, even my server at the west coast in the states. My other server could connect to BHS server in full speed.
So, how do I bypass the speed limit? By installing ShadowSocks at both ends (home and west coast), I could proxy all my web traffic in Firefox or Chrome without problems. What about SSH, SCP or even rsync? After consulting their man pages, I found some programs support http proxy settings (rsync). Some support port binding (ssh). scp support ProxyCommand, which is overly complicated. None of the above features suit my need.
Continue reading “Proxy all traffic of a program with ProxyChains”
Unicode Emoji for your Linux
In Unicode 7.0 there will be tons of Emoji icons added. Linux currently by default, is poorly supporting showing those chars. If you want to add them into your system, what should you do?
Continue reading “Unicode Emoji for your Linux”